Final Film Submission.mp4

Me: Cinematography, Priestess model, texture, animations, sword, church altar, scene layout, lighting, the whole yellow dimension, cultist animations (first shot of 4th video and 2nd shot of 3rd video)

Joseph: Cultist models, textures, cloth sims, animations, Portal, Church, Embergen smoke effects

Chris McCann: Music and Sound

Me: This whole scene

Me: Sword asset

Me: Priestess model, animation, texturing, cloth sim, cinematography, curtain model, lighting, church altar, pillars

Joseph: church, pews, cultists, portal

Me: Sword asset

Me: scene layout, lighting, cinematography

Joseph: Church

Me: scene layout, lighting, cinematography

Joseph: Church, graves

Me: Side building, scene layout, lighting, cinematography

Joseph: Church, graves

Me: Fountain, lighting, scene layout, cinematography

Joseph: Cultists and graves

Yellow King 2D artwork.

The scroll art of the ritual.

Patterns I painted for fabrics and curtains in the church.

The artwork I used to make the 2D backdrop forests.

The Artwork that I used to make the city.

I drew the storyboards and made the animatic, adding sound.

I helped with the animation of characters and made the yellow dimension. I also edited it together and added sound.

Joseph did most of the previs


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