Along with the build a world, we also looked at perspective, how it works and how to find it. I chose 3 stills from different animations and figured out which type of perspective is present. There are 3 different types of perspective, 1 point, 2 point and 3 point, these help with adding depth and space into the work. The points refer to vanishing points, where the perspective lines converge.

This Ratatouille scene has a 3 point perspective.

The Tokyo ghoul scene has a 2 point perspective.

The iconic train scene in Spirited away is an example of a one point perspective.

 I overall think perspective is something I need to work on as it is slightly difficult to figure out.

For homework, we were tasked with creating multiple thumbnail shots of our vision of the world we came up with during the brainstorm, as well as using perspective.

I have vast desolate landscapes, floating glowing marine animals, cyberpunk cities, and forest shots.

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