Assignment 1: 3D Digital Literacy Progress 2

I started manually placing roof tiles and realised I was likely wasting time doing this and thought there must be another way. So I made a new save iteration and tried using Mash networks like we used in Alec’s cactus tutorial for Animated Narratives. I was going through this video until I got to changingContinue reading Assignment 1: 3D Digital Literacy Progress 2

Assignment 1: 3D Digital Literacy Progress 1

Concept Windmill Bakery For my model concept, I knew I wanted a mini 3D scene or a diorama type model. As I was drawing the concept, I wanted the windmill to have some sort of story or personality. My first variation of the concept (left) is closer to a standard windmill design, it does haveContinue reading Assignment 1: 3D Digital Literacy Progress 1

Week 1 – Modelling Challenge HW

For this week, we were given 5 different objects to practice our modelling skills on. These were: Table & Chairs Vase Martini Glass Armchair Mimic Armchair   fixed rotation of table leg uvs + changed specular+roughness values of chair wood material    

Hard Surface Modelling Assignment: Initial Research & Reference

I made a collection of models on Sketchfab that have an overall stylised aesthetic, texturing style and model presentation that I would like to try to emulate in this assignment. I’m thinking of creating a 3D scene that contains both the windmill and well prompts, in addition to other environmental objects. As my initial researchContinue reading Hard Surface Modelling Assignment: Initial Research & Reference