Week 4: Classwork, First change of teams, character design

Final team brief before the change:

Before the change, the previous team and I ( group 10) discussed on the final idea of separating the tasks within the group. We want to be able to make use of each individuals strong suit, show our ability of working in a group and cooperate and spend our time wisely so we don’t lose it.

The classwork consisted of two parts, colours theory as well as character design:

Colour theory:

we took a few pictures to start getting an idea of what combination we would want to go for, what message we want to convey in our thumbnails, characters and finally animation.

as well as some vibrant colours we used from our mood board:

We planned out a little colour palette, that we are still working on:

we thought to be able to explain this land going from a very fairy like whimsical and magical land but ominous or even like a poisonous animal, unnaturally bright to a darker grim almost void land.

  • We would want to have a colour palette change through out the animation, from those very neon colours gradually fading to ashy, dusty colours, losing saturation gradually. from what we can see so far we are more inclined to do monochromatic or analogous colour choices.
  • To add more value to our character we chose to go with that colour choice to stand out from the background, to allow the viewers wandering to have a point to return to, maybe a complementary colour so it is not too disconnected either, if we go for an autumn palette the character could be blue depending on our final decision background wise.
  • For lighting we, want to play with light and dark ( ombre et Lumière ) as well as add a hint of purple hue to give it the fairy and aethereal feeling



Week 3: Classwork, Props, characters, and environments

Props, Characters and environments

Those are a few pictures taken in a park( they are also shown in the mood board), that inspired a new idea for the environment in the world, to give more of a fairy like feeling to the world, supporting the concept of a whimsical fairy farmers market.

The idea was shared in the group along with the pictures to discuss whether everyone was in favour or not, following that we all came to the agreement to each test out the idea with our own vision based on the first picture, the close up of a tree which looks like it has a lot of smaller little trees on it, and take a decision from there whether or not it would be a good idea, as well as seeing if other people within the group could come up with another concept based off the same pictures.

First attempt based of the pictures taken in the park.


some darker fairy ideas, creatures that could be roaming the world.

A source of light ( that’s used as street lamps or portable source of light) and house idea.

Main character concepts: (first-> to last) + inspiration

for the initial 2 designs, the idea for the accessories were discussed in the classroom, the character at this stage was closer to my personal style which pushed me on the next designs to get inspired elsewhere as well as simplify the design.

the inspiration:

the inspiration:

Some previous thumbnail ideas based on the previous concept.


Week 2: Classwork, Composition and Perspective, individual

Task 1

  • we were tasked to draw a one point perspective grid and try to draw a cube or a rectangle, this is a rectangle that was turned into a building, with a bit more exploration with details using a one point perspective.

this is a close up.


Task 2

  • similarly to task 1, in this case we tried a two point perspective grid, with the option of a cute or rectangle again, in this case rectangles were chosen, and an attempt at creating a street corner building.

Week 2:Classwork, Compositions and Perspective

Task 1

  • In ten minutes we were given the task, in our groups, to each create a rough thumbnail composition of the idea we have for our world. In this case this chosen scene best embodies the idea of a “dark whimsical fairy farmers market” world, done with the rule of thirds.

Task 2

  • This group exercise consisted of taking 5 pictures with symmetry in mind.


Task 3

  • In groups we were tasked to take three screenshots of scenes from our favourite animations and dissect their composition, we had to draw lines over key positions and geometry, meaning we pointed out the geometry used that adds an interesting visual effect.


Week 1: Classwork, group introduction

On our first day as a group. We did our introductions, and by taking the pictures we took together for the prompts, we got to understand each one of our aesthetics, preferred style: 

Medieval, 1930s and a more classical style, something more ominous or evil. 

After being introduced to the task of getting one hundred ideas for a world to create we had about fifty-six ideas, in the twenty-five minutes given to us: 

1930s magical realism /Fungai world /Generic /Dream world /Sky farms /Steam punk underground /Heists /Space library /Occult London /Sky shepherds /Dead farmers market /Giant farm /Fairy roller derby /Irish mythology /1940s Disney /Every myth is real /Undead underworld /Bear and plushies world (violent) /Abandoned toy world /Disco world /Multiverse platform /Candy world /Renaissance world /Ghost possession /Halloween /Grimm brother’s world /Winter wonderland /Mongolian empire /Black and white /Greek mythology /South American mythology /Craft world /Computer world /Cyber punk/Dark whimsy rustic /Elemental world /Mad max postapocalyptic  /Pre-historic /Glass world /Slime world /Fire world /Arabian culture (folklore) world /Hp love craft /Infinite Tesco’s /Grim dark /City planet (heist) /Alien world /Sky archipelago /Music world 

 Out of the fifty-six we chose our five favourite ideas:  

An alien world from ours which has a Fungai ecosystem. 

A grim whimsical world 

A sky world with giant inhabitants that are farmers 

An alien farmers market 

A disco world with fairy roller derby 

We realized many of our favourite ideas worked well together so we might combine a few of the five into a new world concept, so we are now in the process of imagining and using inspiration from animation series, Pinterest boards, etc. On what each world could include and would look like, so we can do a final choice based on our liking as a group, so on which we most feel more inclined to do. 

Week 1: Classwork

  • This exercise consisted of starting by drawing a basic geometry shape such as a circle, triangle, and square in the image shown above. To subsequently, give them a form which allows us to visualize depth and volume, by adding shadow and going from a square for example to a cube similarly to a 3 dimension but on a flat surface, a paper.