Reflection on the module

This module was heavy with new skills to learn which was definitely not easy for us all. But it’s a lot of new knowledge we get to practise over the summer for next year which is very exciting to finally be able to focus on expressing ourselves as artist as opposed to doing assignment where it isn’t our goal or priority to do so. Overall this years animation course was an eye opening experience filled with excitement, so many things to learn on animating in 3D and 2D as well as the history of animation from different regions. All done in what felt like such a short period of time, it was a lot of pressure but I did learn a lot, not to perfection but to the stage where practice will evenly reach a level of comfort. For me it’s a long way from home, so it was stressful in the beginning, starting in a new country and as an undergraduate. But it was worth it, the teaching style for this course was great, something very unfamiliar to me, yet very easy to comprehend and all the questions were answered when there was a problem, which made it very easy to understand and be able to progress even if from scratch.