This assignment felt very rushed. A lot of information to learn and remember in a short amount of time before our break and before the deadline. I though 3D would help me in this case, and I could have a change from the previous assignments given that now I had the time to test out 3D animation. Though the previous assignment with the class exercises felt like good warmups for the animations of this assignment and it helped me keep in mind the principles of animation, especially secondary actions, some overlap and arcs.
For both I did switch between FK and IK mostly with the lip sync, it was alright the only thing I still find difficult is blending the switch between IK and FK. I blended them when the arm was moving off and on the table, but I sometimes used IK even when It was mid-air specially when I found It made animating easier. although I did use it as it should be used, for example IK when the hand was on the table to make my work easier and FK when the arm was up in the air. There were on both animations a few spots where the blending wasn’t so seamless, but I tried if I couldn’t blend them well, at least hide them in the animation.
For my weightlift I feel like I struggled a lot less then my lip sync, other than a few hiccups with limbs spinning around and adjusting the properties control it was mostly animating rather than problem solving. In contrast to my lip sync, I feel because is much more different then everything we’ve been animating so far so it was a little harder to get a hold of.
Feedback from lecturers and my family and friends is something I value in all my assignments specially when the advice and help is from someone who is an expert in the field. It helped me step back from my animations and reveal mistakes I couldn’t otherwise have found on my own specially for these assignments: with wanting to meet the deadline and struggling with animating the mouth to the audio right. Getting different perspectives really helped with problem solving.
Which is why I would definitely want to redo both my animations, because I feel like I could better. Especially after the mistakes I did I could cut time on figuring things out and focus more on making it more organic and less floaty and robotic which I think is the one flaw I still have for both of my animations. Although it may seem straight forward moving limbs around, making something on a computer look organic is quite difficult.