Concept: update


  • I loved the child like take on the minotaur of Michael Ayrton we looked at in class and wanted to go for something similar. A kinder and innocent look while keeping the big and imposing size: gentle giant, huge baby.
  • He is meant to be a farm hand, but is rather lazy and enjoys lounging around.

About the character:

he is meant to be a mutated creature purely bred to help around farms like to a shepherd dog. But more like the trolls in the Witcher 3 and how they are used by humans using their strength and lack of intelligence. I wanted to blend that with the minotaur we saw in class questioning its existence, but a lazier take on it. My muses for this character were my dogs one of which matches the laziness of this minotaur. I wanted a different take on a creature, something kinder.


First model attempt:




After consulting my lecturer I decide to work on the minotaur from week 1:

I was more interested to work on sculpting the wrinkles and sagging skin on the minotaur rather than the sharp shapes of the sea monster.

My references:


We were introduced to our assignment and tasked to look for some inspiration to decide what kind of character we would be making,

here are some sketches and their references:


I decide to focus on the sea creature simply because it felt interesting to see what I could do with that idea

First attempt after drawing the concept:

Here I focused on fixing the position of the limbs to make it look more believable:

The skeleton:( first quick attempt, I changed the bottom limbs to be more like crocodile limbs)

Here I tried colours and patterns and made a few changes to the first drawing:

The references:


We started off  our week getting introduced with our coming assignment as well as posing a model given to us with references to understand how IK and FK function and in which scenario they would work better.

Little tip to help me:

The poses I worked on: