Week 9, 10, 11, 12

For this week, I needed to submit what I had currently made for the professional practice module, I had Initially made myself a CV, a cover letter, which Was seen above, and was working on a showreel using my current work at the time…this week and the following 2 weeks would be used to gain feedback for how we were doing this week


After I had a meeting with my tutor, to gain some feedback, I was given feedback on each element of the pieces of work so far


CV- Layout and wording needed to be changed as well as adding some experience into a separate tab


Cover letter- layout of words needed to be changed, to make it suit the company more, as well as a few minor spelling mistakes and contact information.


ShowReel- I needed to add in more relevant videos, as well as to finish the showreel off by including more video evidence and moving around some footage.

With this feedback, I was able to continue working on my projects and in taking the feedback adjusted and remade many of my assets over the coming weeks, and with this, I was able to adjust my cover letter and CV, with me finally being able to finish my showreel.


I looked up the company again and had a look through their website, finding the correct person to contact about positions at the company, something my feedback suggested I do.


Dear Andrew Lord

Hello! My Name is Rhys Graham, I am currently studying my second year at Ulster University, and would be interested in a 3D animator position at your company.


I have been following your company for a while, and have loved a lot of the work you have put on your website, a personal favorite of mine being the “Ministry of sound-Anthems” trailer, which featured a Vespa design, the mod culture has been a big part of my life for years, and I enjoy the detailed 3D render of it.

I have had various long-term experiences working with both Maya and Blender, and I have a large interest in other Programmes such as After Effects and Adobe Premiere, just to name a few!

I have many different hobbies which I feel could be of benefit, one of which being, my interest in Model kits, I often build and pose these kits to create interesting set pieces, which I feel have helped me a lot, allowing me to make stop motion animations with them. I hope to continue these skills and put them to good use with a career in the 3D animation industry.


Thank you for taking the time to read my email



I also was able to re-do my CV and port it into Adobe Illustrator to remake

With this and my Show-Reel Finished, I believe I have done well! Whilst I may not fully enjoy professional Practice, I know it has benefits when it comes to the outside world, and can help me when It comes to getting a job in the future in the animation industry.

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