Week 6

Week 6 


For this week, all the groups would be finalised, we had full freedom when it came to deciding what groups we wanted to join, and in turn what animation we would be working on for the term, Initially I wanted to focus on the mushroom group, but none of the other students went into that group, and it was then combined with a separate group and project, this meant that the story for this world would be altered. However I still needed to choose a group, I felt as though the best choice would to go into a group that would not only, allow me to animate within my skill range, but could also offer a challenge and an opportunity to help develop a world through teamwork, so I ended up choosing the Tea cup and Coffee world, a world which I was already familiar with due to working with them through previous weeks, which I had already done design work for that group, and had even been requested to do voice acting for the group.


With a group formed, It would just now be up to us to organize each other for the upcoming animation. 


We had discussed and felt that with the limited time we have to not only make the animation, but also with the limited length of the animation, we felt it would be best if we instead make a trailer for a larger film for our end of year project, and I myself already having the skills to edit trailers and advertisements for attractions and companies.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U64_0DN6aFA ( Company Advertisement )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWrKbTHd44Y ( Previous 3D animation work edited to be a trailer)


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