School bus

I received some feedback for the school bus I modelled, I was told that there was some modelling issues such as:

  • Edges being too sharp
  • Wheels too detailed in comparison to the bus
  • A lot of Ngons within the model

This feedback was extremely good, as it gave me a good idea on things i need to avoid when creating my bus, I the bus was far too blocky and the poor geometry would have made texturing very difficult. I did attempt to texture my bus and found a lot of issues with the materials, they were very messy and just overall not good. I will try to fix my school bus as opposed to starting from scratch, however it may need to be restarted due to the amount of ngons.

School Bus update –

I decided to scrap my idea of creating a school bus as I found the process very time consuming, with being in a tight time frame I decided that I need to priorities my time on other assets. However, I have learnt a lot from attempting to create my bus. Michael informed that vehicle modelling is very difficult and to try some youtube tutorials as it will be a good skill that could potentially speed up my other modelling.


I received some feedback for my car, as this was my first time modelling a car I wanted as much feedback as possible to make it the best I possibly could. Henry gave me some very good points to think about to help me improve my car. The tips I received were:

  • Make an interior for the car as it was too empty, on a real car it would be made that you cant see through the alloy’s, however with my car model I could see the background which I needed to fix.
  • The tyres needed to be deflated, this as another great point as during the apocalypse it would be obvious that the tyres would be deflated and flattened about. My tyres still looks quite new – so this was another point I needed to keep in mind.
  • My car needed a bonnet, I didn’t add any details to my car which showed a bonnet, this was something I didn’t even consider while I was modelling.

Car Development from feedback

From my feedback, I started to work on the corrections Henry suggested. To fix the issue of having the wheels see-through, I decided to add a simple cube in the centre and add a a dark material to it in substance, this was an easy fix that didn’t cost too much time. The tyres, I used the Maya sculpt tool to help flatten them out and create a more deflated look – the sculpt tool was a new method that I haven’t tried before, I found easy to use and it didn’t effect any of the UV’s within the model which was great.

Finally, in terms of the bonnet I decided it would be best to try and cover it with foliage as the car is going to be draped in Ivy – I didn’t want to go back and re do anything and waste any time.


The next model I received some feedback on was my gun model, during my presentation during my presentation on week 07. The comments sated:

  • The material on the gun was way too shiny and needed to be toned down a bit.
  • Some bevelling was needed to help smooth out the gun a bit better
  • Some smaller details needed to be added to the glock as it is  a hero asset and will be viewed up close. 

Gun development from feedback

Taken all of the feedback into mind, I went back into Maya to try get some more smoothness, for example the trigger it far too blocky. I found some issues in my gun with Ngons which needed to be fixed also and the gun having a very dark, almost brown tint on it. Henry informed this tint was due to the lack of geometry and told me to try bevelling the edges on the trigger which worked really well. I also added in some details to really bring more life to the gun.

I also increased the roughness of the material to help dim down the shininess, I feel the gun looked a lot better after all of these little adjustments. 

Guitar Feedback 

I created a Guitar using Maya, during another presentation Michael gave me some feedback and advised that I made the strings a lot thinner as they were quite thick on my first version.

Gun Development from feedback

I adjusted the scale of the strings and added some more details to the tuning machines, I definitely feel my updated guitar is a lot better from the feedback I received from the lecturers.

Building feedback

I received some feedback on my buildings, which stated about my scaling – details such as the door being too big, and some bevelling and skirting boards was needed added into the scene.

Destroyed Buildings 01 

Henry introduced me to the method in maya called booleans difference, which allowed me to take a cube and add a fractal texture to and subtract it from my building to give a broken and demolished effect. During another presentation, I received some feedback on the buildings. Michael stated the building needed a lot more assets added to it such as poles, wires etc.. I received some more comments based on my scaling which I will need to work on.

Development on building models from feedback

For these building, I decided I didn’t want to use them anymore as the geometry was quite bad and to fix it would have taken too much time, I created my building all as one mesh as opposed to creating a modular building – with this being the case, adjusting the UV’s and trying to eliminate any Ngons would have been way too much trouble. When I began modelling my buildings, I didn’t think about creating modular assets as opposed to creating the building as one standing mesh.

The destroyed buildings I modelled, I felt they looked far too blocky for my scene, I wanted something more realistic and really didn’t like how they looked in the final outcome. I decided to create some new buildings and try the booleans method again.

Destroyed Buildings 02

I recreated the building, this time adding a lot more detail to the mesh before I used the booleans difference method. I also added in details such as poles and extruded some face to look like bits of the building was still sticking out. However, I did run into a lot of issues with this model, using the booleans created some terrible geometry – asking this mesh extremely hard to UV. I created this as a single mesh as opposed to a modular building, which made made trying to find mistake extra difficult.

Henry suggested that I forget the booleans tool and create the broken building using blender instead, as it was taking up way too much time to attempt to save the model.

Development from Henry’s feedback

Unfortunately, due to my time limit I decided to leave these buildings out of my scene as they were causing a lot of issues for me. I have never used blender and didn’t have the time to try learn it as i was already behind schedule with modelling. This has been a learning experience for me, I learnt some new Maya methods and after submission I would love to try and get more comfortable with Blender to try and create these destroyed buildings as I think they would have added a lot of quality to my exterior scene if done right.

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