After evaluating all my poster drafts and having discussion through feedback, I decided to go for the poster which I feel will be strongest and have the most impact when displayed at the end of year show. I really loved the development of this to be the most relevant with my major project. I am aiming to have my scene in Unreal look similar to this set up, which gives me the best idea on grid layout and where I will place my title.

I am still going to develop my poster further, however I feel this will give me a good foundation to work as I progress with my project. I will ensure to keep this open for reference when I begin taking some rendered screenshots of my scene in Unreal engine, and to ensure I am setting up camera angle to allow me to create a good space to add any titles and further text that is needed. I am going send my drafts on for feedback to receive some advice on how i can improve my poster to get the best possible outcome when presenting at the end of year show, I also will use the skills I learn which will help for any future posters I make for new projects.

Final Poster draft

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