To begin my Walk cycle for the Azri Rig I completed some research on how to to structure a walk cycle, I completed one before using the ultimate walker rig, however this was a bit different due to the model now having arms and hair and a head whereas the ultimate walker rig on had legs and body. I firstly began to research the different types of reference photos I could use before completing my Azri Rig and they began to show me the different poses that I will use within my own animation.

Reference Images

I also found some Youtube channels thats I will use to begin sketching out for my reference on procreate, I want to practice my poses to evaluate how they animate before starting to model them on the Azri Rig.

Here is some of the inspiration I will use for my own animation, I crated a short walk cycle on my Ipad on procreate, this helped me with practicing my poses before using this on the Azri Rig. I found this quite hard to complete due as it was a bit different working with arms as well as there were some aspects to consider such as, how much do the arms sway and what direction do they go with the legs.

My Own Animation

walk cyle animation

here is some more videos I found that I liked for walking reference.

Friend reference

I asked my friend to try out a similar walk for to use so i could take a closer look at how the body looks when its walking, I wanted to look at how the arms moving in relation to how the legs moved. I attached a video of the video I used as inspiration, I wanted my azri rig to have a lot of movement in the core and like the assassin creed character I really loved how the arms swayed to portray an important character.



Before I begin creating my animation I wanted to draw out the 4 crucial poses to complete a walk cycle, i started with the contact pose, passing pose, down pose and finally the up pose. I sketched out how I wanted my characters to look and foot and arm placement. Completing these sketches will make the animation process far easier when I begin my Azri walk cycle.

Final reflection 

Overall, I really enjoyed the walk cycle as it was different from the ultimate walker rug with more aspects to consider as opposed to just making the legs move I had to consider arm movement, hip movement and shoulder movement along side how the head and hair will move. I really enjoyed the challenge and hope to improve with some more practice on these types of characters.

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