To begin the prep of my dining room, I used a website that allowed you to create a room and build however you like, using this gave me a great insight on how I wanted my dining room to look before I started building in Unreal. I created a rough draft of the dining room, with this I could get the idea of where I wanted the window placement and table placement.

First room blockout

I created a blockout of my dining room in unreal, so I could get the idea of sizing and asset placement – created a very basic layout.


First room draft

Here is my first draft of my room, during my presentation I received some feedback on the material of my assets. I used one of Patrick’s carpet which I placed largely in my room however I was told that the material was too shiny. My room was a bit too tidy and strayed away from the abandoned look that I was going for, so to move forward I want to make sure that my room looks dirty and creepy to fill in with the way I designed the assets. I took some screenshots of room during the development of room, I still needed to add a few more assets into my room however I did have a few bits to change with my room. I want to add some more spider webs and broken glass for some finishing touches to the room.

Cobwebs/shattered glass texture

Here is the reference photos I used when creating my textures.

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