As our group worked on our Haunted mansion, we decided to pick a room and focus on it as opposed to us all working on the one room. During a group call we started deciding who was doing which room and what way we had planned to model it, I decided to go for the dining room as I seen a lot of images that show cased the dining room and how I could adjust a dining room to make it look haunted, I also had a few ideas in my head of room layout and the type of assets I wanted to include.


Here is a screenshot of a mood board I created on procreate of some inspiration I used for my haunted mansion, I really loved how these mansions had their dining rooms set out. I noticed in older dining rooms, the table is usually very long and and the main aspect of the room, it almost catches your eye instantly – this allowed me to think of how I will want my own dining table set in my room. Furthermore, I also looked at some furniture such as dining chairs and how they are usually designed, they all had some sort of cushion fabric on the base of the chair so this is something i will design when i begin modelling my own dining chair.



Here is another quick sketch I created on procreate, I wanted to begin to plan how I wanted my dining chair to look in my head. I looked at some patterns that I could potentially copy for the development of my dining chair, I also wanted to look at what colours I liked. The colour that came up the most were reds and greens so this is colours I kept in mind when I began doing my research.





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