Final Animation Music –
Animation Blog Music –
Final Maya Models Drums drums turntable Microphone mic turtable Stage stage turntable Table Marvellous dress Unreal Room Scene animation
Singing stage_(6) Dancing stage_(8)
The dance was originally given to Marie in our group to complete a dance animation for the stage scene, however when i received the file it had some issues and due to the time running out before the due date of the assignment I had to recreate a simple dance animation, although it wasn’t exactlyContinue reading Dance animation
For the drums animation, I wanted to keep the overall animation quite simple as I knew the dress would be hidden so i focused on moving the arms as if it was playing the drums. drum animation
To begin my singer animation, I wanted to complete some research and the movement that are made by a female jazz singer. I watched some videos of different performances on Youtube however, a lot of them had little to no movement which wasn’t ideal for a looser dress. I found one video that did standContinue reading Animation – dance
From research the interior decor of jazz clubs in the 1920’s, I noticed a lot of them had a brick interior with a wooden floor so this was the type of materials that I wanted to go for in my own scene. I also wanted to have a texture for the dance floor, i knowContinue reading Unreal Room
Using the image Charlotte sent us of the dresses in the museum, We all as a group decided to pick a dress to model and animate in marvellous. Here is the dress I decided to go for in the finale, I really loved the look of this dress and the colours, so I wanted toContinue reading Marvellous dress
To begin the modelling of my stage scene I created some Arches to go into the room as I thought it would add quite a nice touch, I plan to add some lighting to the arch and have quite a dim glow coming of the lights.