IXD301 Elements Project Problems and Solutions

I discovered how helpful it could be to make a list of problems/opportunities during my preparation for design tasks and decided to include this step in my process. In a post by Enrique Hinzpeter, How to solve a Design Task, step by step this step is encouraged after the completion of user personas. I have included the word opportunity alongside problems so that this list can include items that aren’t necessarily problems but simply capture some of the desires of the user as well.

Once I had identified a number of problems that could (needed to) be solved by my product I was able to prioritise the problems and select the most important problems to be addressed at this point. To help do this I followed Hinzpeter’s guide and asked myself the following questions:

  • How much value will the user get from solving the problem?
  • How easy would it be to implement a solution to this problem?

I also drew from my user interviews and user personas to help me with this task and did the same to generate a number of solutions for each problem.

Problems and Solutions

I have tried to incorporate all of the above solutions particularly in the wireframing stage of my design process and used this as a reference point throughout the development of my design.

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