Small Group Research Poster: Korean Animation.

For the second half of our World of Animation course we were tasked to get together in a small group to research the history or development of one nations/area’s animation from a specific angle. My group formed up of me, Bailey and Robert based from our interest in the Korean animation topic. As I never really looked into Korean animation I had thought it would be a good opportunity to learn about the works they produced considering I was well informed about the aspects of the Japanese animation industry, it was a good chance to go out of my comfort zone.

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Savannah Swift: Process, Reflection and Analysis.

Researching and Groupwork:

In our World of Animation class we were assigned to groups of 4 to research and formulate our own presentation slides based off the short film “Savannah Swift” by Savannah Swift team. This small team consisted of Pauline Gregoire, Lucie Bonzom, Theo Pierrel Et and Benoit Parias. It was frustrating to not delve further into the small teams background and personal thought processes behind making the film, the most I could find about the background of the short would be it was produced under Taiko Studios in 2018 and was a French award winning short film.

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