UV Mapping Hotel Transylvania Character.

When it came to UV wrapping, I got very nervous as my model had so many moving parts that didn’t fit the mold of the goblin tutorials on blackboard. I typically look for other guides as reference, however staring at my map alongside the knowledge where this is the area, I needed to improve upon from my previous assignments I got nervous. However, I didn’t want to give up from the get-go and I intended to neaten my UV map before pushing forward. I also feel that my UV mapping has always been sporadic in where I mark my seams, so I need to take this into consideration and research UV mapping further.

UV unwrapping: beginning stages.

Unwrapping character.

Marking seams, trying to follow the flow of the model:

Following the forms of the tentacles, or where I intended colour separation to be.

As seen below, my UV’s had a lot of individual parts.

Unwrapping and packing islands:

Basic head unwrap:

I intend to use the stitch function as demonstrated in the uv goblin tutorial to the best of my ability from the pieces that I have. The under face had a similar structure so I wanted to make an attempt at that.

Very basic attempt, however I can see how this would benefit in terms of arranging UV maps and getting higher resolution to the model. It also makes it easier to pick apart features of the face.

Note: during the unwrapping stage I went to merge my vertices and there were a lot of issues regarding extra vertices and bad reto, I wasn’t fully aware of the faults until it came to inspecting my items on a individual basis and trying to make sense of my unwrapping. I believe this is the stage were everything went south in terms of my model. I wasn’t to ensure the resolution and details of my model were good as I wanted to include just that; finer details that would enhance my characters design. How things turned out was rather tragic, but again I had no spare time to go back, troubleshoot or turn to guidance to where I went wrong. I can only really take this as a learning experience and I tried to not be so hard on myself because this is the first time I’ve ever been introduced to retopology and didn’t understand the importantance of getting it right until now, when it was too late. I wanted to sort my unwrapping better, referencing the goblin unwrapping video and adjusting the parts to link up to the tutorial, however as my unwrap was messed up I decided to not mess around with it too much in the chance I would make things worse. I decided to unwrap my items and move onto the texturing stage, which proved my uncertainty


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