Assignment 3: Zubat.

 For this week’s assignment we were tasked with the opportunity to animate and model a Zubat 3D model from Pokémon.

To begin a flat PNG was inserted as a point of reference and transformed to lay flat on the axis, rotating to form a T-POSE. Ensure image was set to non selectable due to not wanting to move the reference image and deform the model.

Forming the basic shape of the bat body was simple due to previous practise models and having the reference to trace its form.

Had difficulty with the mouth as it was a conscious effort to altering faces into quads around the outline of the mouth. The knife tool was used to frame edges around the mouth and continuously “merging at centre” to ensure proper geometry. I had to focus on deleting faces, moving vertices, and as the mouth I carved was different to the video tutorial, ran into my own unique problems and having to resolve to trial and error while altering the mouth outline.

Any remaining triangles was resolved by sectioning faces into smaller triangles, merging at centre to create quads!

Turning on proportional editing I edited the vertexes to ensure I clean curve from the side profile, however I found that this interfered with my custom edges. I went back to make minor movements compared to my previous attempt and this allowed me to extrude inward to attempt the inner mouth without causing further issue.

When merging inward the mirror was creating a minor inward curve, this was fixed by altering the merge distance which created a seamless connection (shown below.)

I manually scaled inward, ensure the last section was scaled plat and connected the top and bottom edges of the remaining space and filled with bridge loops.
Deleted inner faces caused by mirroring object. This solved an issue with the lower lip that pointed in the centre, causing a resulting to a smoother outcome.

Selected ear and inset face to create inner ear. Used smooth tool to round off any odd behaviour (angular edges and clipping through the model).

Rounded off ears using vertexes and proportional editing tool to follow the curve of the inner ear.

Using vertex editor- formed a circular shape to pull the legs out from.

Used cones and scaled inward. Subdivision modifier to smoothen surface. Positioned inside mouth to form fangs.

Cleaning up the geometry of the wing, edges created were quite sporadic and wasn’t considered when shaping out form.

Took off modifiers before selecting edge and copy/pasting to create different object. This allowed me to bring forward a simple outline.

Making the outer rim of the ring proved to be a challenge, it took me a while altering and adjusting the frame, so it fit the wing. I strayed from the tutorial to attempt to come to a result I was content with.

When altering the wing mass I came across an issue, a small gap in the wing. This wasn’t seen until shade smooth was applied. This small gap was fixed from simply selecting the line and extruding across to create a smooth patch over the gap.

I was also trying to place my origin with propositional editing still on, effecting the other object (main body). Turning it off only effected the single object.
Elongated inside faces of wings into the body so flapping didn’t show any faults/gaps.

Finished bat model:


Solidify modifier was removed to colour sections. I used the dropper tool to copy the colours from the reference image to replicate the bats exact colour scheme.

Wanted to attempt the ring inside the ear, so I used the knife tool to attempt to carve the shape and thought it was to instead use the vertex points already present and form a circle.

This was the result of a lot of trial and error. Instead of extruded the faces in fear of error I duplicated the shape and applied the solidify and subdivision modifier and started adjusting the edges using the propositional editing feature. It took a while before I was happy with the shape, but after fiddling with the settings I got it to a point where I was content.

Colour management: turned it up so the picture isn’t as dark without losing shadows and implemented lighting. Ensured ambient occlusion was turned on for better effect.

Parented his wings, origins at the base. Adjusted the wings so whenever they flapped you wouldn’t see the inner tube. Applied rotation and cycle modifier so the wings flapped through an animation cycle continuously.

For the animation I wanted to attempt the Zubat flying in a loop while the camera was following his movements. This was more or less inspired by basic scenes that a character is flying over an environment and tracking the character. I had the camera follow my model, using keyframes and viewing through camera view to ensure the framing was correct.

I was happy overall with the result of my animation and the camera tracking that went alongside it. If I could do more I would set up a small environment for the Zubat to fly through and have the camera mimic it’s movements, however I was happy enough to leave the animation as it was.

Finished project:

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