17 Dec 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio
26 Nov 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

Final Animatic During the past weeks my group has been working hard making our ideas come to life; creating our storyboards, merging them, and then creating our animatics. This was my first time trying Adobe…

Read the Post Design a world: Animatic

12 Nov 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

The flour sack animation is a much more complex animation exercise, but necessary to explore animating form! This one has 29 frames, and is 12fps. At first, I had animated in Krita, but having faced…

Read the Post Week 8: Flour Sack Animation Exercise

05 Nov 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

The ‘Bouncing Ball’ animation exercise is a popular beginner experimental activity that employs a wide range of fundamental animation techniques, even in this simple frame by frame ball! This was my first time completing this…

Read the Post Week 7: Bouncing Ball exercise

22 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

This week’s topic was Character Design, I took to designing a background character/ possible side character that acts as an obstacle in the story for Group 5. Ephah is the guardian and protector of a…

Read the Post Week 5: Character Design

15 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

Group 5 has a mixed theme of fantasy, Greek mythology, astrology and possibly war/conflict. I took down a list of some inspirations, mainly games like Bulder’s Gate 3, Rime, Shadow of the Colossus, The Witcher…

Read the Post Group 5: Exploring the World

15 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio
15 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

Using the previous exercise to aid me in colour picking and recolouring I took 2 of my previous thumbnail studies and added a layer of colour. Although thumbnail 1 was originally a 2 tone black…

Read the Post Week 4: Thumbnail Colour Studies

15 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

A part of week 4’s exercises tasked us with taking colour scripts from existing animated stills and analysing their effect on the audience; in terms of atmosphere. The video lectures by Sarah Dargie were incredibly…

Read the Post Week 4: Studying Colour Scripts

08 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

In week 1 we explored one of the fundamentals of art and animation, form! As an exercise I studied the forms of simple to complex, and old to new character designs; The purpose of exploring…

Read the Post Week 1: Form