24 Apr 2021 Published by: Posted in: Animated Narratives

Portfolio Character Designs Everyone from the group made character designs, each of us made a very similar looking main cloud design, but we used my rabbit cloud design as one of the secondary characters. Storyboard…

Read the Post Assignment 3: Group Project Portfolio

24 Apr 2021 Published by: Posted in: Animated Narratives

Project Reflection Although I found the process quite hard and stressful, seeing the final project is very rewarding. 3D animation is very technical and I found that I was often stuck or confused with what…

Read the Post Assignment 3: Group Project Reflection

24 Apr 2021 Published by: Posted in: Animated Narratives

Pre-Production The Idea The theme is ‘Adventure’, and taking inspiration from our classes on narrative our group put together a charming story about a cloud, on an adventure within himself to find his true shape.…

Read the Post Assignment 3: Group Project Blog

04 Apr 2021 Published by: Posted in: Animated Narratives
03 Apr 2021 Published by: Posted in: Animated Narratives