06 Mar 2021 Published by: Posted in: 3D Digital Literacy

Although Maya is tricky to get used to, I thoroughly enjoyed the modelling process. I still have much to learn, and no doubt there are many mistakes in my final model, but it was certainly…

Read the Post Hard Model Reflection

06 Mar 2021 Published by: Posted in: 3D Digital Literacy

Concept and Base Idea Assignment 1 of the 3D Digital Literacy course was to fully model, UV unwrap and texture a prompt from the given list; I chose the ‘Old Well’. I had many different…

Read the Post Hard Model: Making the Well

17 Dec 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio
26 Nov 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

Final Animatic During the past weeks my group has been working hard making our ideas come to life; creating our storyboards, merging them, and then creating our animatics. This was my first time trying Adobe…

Read the Post Design a world: Animatic

12 Nov 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

The flour sack animation is a much more complex animation exercise, but necessary to explore animating form! This one has 29 frames, and is 12fps. At first, I had animated in Krita, but having faced…

Read the Post Week 8: Flour Sack Animation Exercise

05 Nov 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

The ‘Bouncing Ball’ animation exercise is a popular beginner experimental activity that employs a wide range of fundamental animation techniques, even in this simple frame by frame ball! This was my first time completing this…

Read the Post Week 7: Bouncing Ball exercise

22 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

This week’s topic was Character Design, I took to designing a background character/ possible side character that acts as an obstacle in the story for Group 5. Ephah is the guardian and protector of a…

Read the Post Week 5: Character Design

15 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

Group 5 has a mixed theme of fantasy, Greek mythology, astrology and possibly war/conflict. I took down a list of some inspirations, mainly games like Bulder’s Gate 3, Rime, Shadow of the Colossus, The Witcher…

Read the Post Group 5: Exploring the World

15 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio
15 Oct 2020 Published by: Posted in: Animation Studio

Using the previous exercise to aid me in colour picking and recolouring I took 2 of my previous thumbnail studies and added a layer of colour. Although thumbnail 1 was originally a 2 tone black…

Read the Post Week 4: Thumbnail Colour Studies