Assignment 2: Reflection on Organic Modelling

I faced many issues, especially with the retopology and the UVs, which I’ve had problems with before, but in the end I’m quite happy with my first organic model. I was disappointed when I couldn’t use the environment, but I will be trying to add that later on. 3D animation and modelling is very interesting to me even if I find it confusing, but I really enjoy most of the process. I will have to research more and practise during my time off in the summer, I came into this course thinking I would stick to 2D but I thoroughly enjoy modelling and  3D animation! My first model was the hard model of a well, and I faced some of the same issues here as I did then, especially with UV unwrapping, but I do think I’ve improved a bit and I enjoyed the sculpting bard of the organic modelling, and I think I even improved a bit with the topology which though I had trouble with, at least the millipedes topology is almost all quadratic!

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