Hard Model Reflection

Although Maya is tricky to get used to, I thoroughly enjoyed the modelling process. I still have much to learn, and no doubt there are many mistakes in my final model, but it was certainly an interesting task and I learned a lot about it from research and trail and error, using the program. Though my model is simple, I’m very happy with the result for my first time freelance modelling, and even having to cut certain aspects of the original design that I liked, I’m pleased anyway with the final.

Definitely the most complicated part for me was the UV unwrapping, with the well base the UVs were fine as it was composed of bevelled cubes. But moving onto the trees, which had to be edited for NGons and had odd angles, was quite difficult. In the end I was able to get them ready and into Substance Painter, but it was a long process of trail and error as well.

If I could change anything, it would be my decision to discard the roof idea, although I like the crude look of the new one, the old design was certainly more interesting. I would possibly add a base, as well, and change the handle.

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