Design a world: Animatic

Final Animatic

During the past weeks my group has been working hard making our ideas come to life; creating our storyboards, merging them, and then creating our animatics. This was my first time trying Adobe After Effects alone, and while at first it was tricky to even just pan a layer, I worked on paralaxing each layer on scene 1 to move at realistically different speeds, keeping my character layer static.

Though this is just the draft, I am excited for the final few weeks brining it to life! However, 4 walk cycles seems quite daunting, especially when I would want them to look realistic; meaning different walk styles, strides and showing them walking on the uneven surface of the grass.

I also experimented with the puppet tool, since I want the grass to wave slightly in the wind, however I want to experiment with it more before I settle on a test.

Scene 2 of my Animatic shows 3 of our characters, I want to have them moving slightly (for example, Aries shivering, the fire waving, the goat breathing in it’s sleep, a blink and hair wave from Draconis and possibly a puppet of Dipper’s hand waving as she talks with Draconis, with her hair waving too). This also seems quite complex, I would want to animate each at different times so that it doesn’t appear too stiff, but I will experiment with it and decide on what is doable.

The final scene is meant to show the ripples of the water as a giant creature approaches the group, Orion wonders at the water before transitioning into part 5.

This was the first draft of Frame 1.

I had not considered canvas sizes when I drew these animatic frames, so unfortunately for the After Effects editing to look right, I had to rescale them!

This was the first animatic I created, later reworking some parts to the final animatic at the start of the blog.

The Character Designs Used

(Not drawn by me)

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