Week 4: Thumbnail Colour Studies

Using the previous exercise to aid me in colour picking and recolouring I took 2 of my previous thumbnail studies and added a layer of colour.

Although thumbnail 1 was originally a 2 tone black and white shot I tried adding a slightly muted version of a red and green complementary colour scheme. As this thumbnail was meant to represent a desolate, overgrown laboratory hallway (the prison of the characters) I wanted to create an unnatural, but dangerous environment; and so I chose to use an abnormal shade of green as the base and shading, and a bright red/orange as the lighting. Although I thought about changing the black to a darker shade of green or brown, I thought the inclusion of black made the thumbnail appear even more mysterious and threatening.

I wanted to explore colour theory further so I chose my most detailed thumbnail from the previous week and worked in varying colours in an analogous purple, blue, teal scheme fashion. I don’t think this one looks as natural as the first, if this wasn’t an analogous palette I maybe should add in some neutral colours or yellows/greens to break up the purple, but in terms of the colours I chose I tried to create a sense of fantasy or whimsy, dark aside from the 2 small light sources as this is meant to be deep in the woods. I chose a purple base colour as I wanted to convey mystery and playfulness, purples work well as it is not a very common naturally occurring colour.

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