Group 5: Exploring the World

Group 5 has a mixed theme of fantasy, Greek mythology, astrology and possibly war/conflict. I took down a list of some inspirations, mainly games like Bulder’s Gate 3, Rime, Shadow of the Colossus, The Witcher 3 and Dark Souls and some films; Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas, The Neverending Story, Laputa: Castle in the Sky and Avatar.

I quickly created a list of possible concepts; floating labyrinths, Giant Statues, Weapons in the shape of the constellations, and world inhabitants as I have drawn up; Giant armed keepers such as the Centaur, and a simple illustration of a flock of pegasi, creatures that may roam the world.

I added multiple versions with differing colours for the pegasi drawing, I hoped with the lighter coloured pink versions I could create a sense of whimsy, while the dark version was edited as best as I could to be saturated and mainly red, to convey threat or danger.

The constellation relics were quick sketches to design weapons based on the general shape of the constellation. Although I really like nunchuck design and the Pisces whip, I’m not as satisfied with the Scorpius whip design as I feel it is not as interesting.

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