Week 4: Conveying Atmosphere Through Colour

As part of this week’s homework on colour study we were given the linework and the exercise to redraw and colour the composition to convey 2 different atmospheres; I chose doom/fury/danger in this first one, opting for mainly reds, to give a sense of threat, browns for a natural base that helps balance the other colours, and purple to create a bit of mystery. I chose my colours to be more muted than vibrant, for a more subtle sense of danger. I should have maybe added some darker tones to bring out the brightness of the red sun in the background, and made the farthest mountains slightly lighter, but I am happy with the overall colours.

This second study is my favourite of the 2, I chose to make the yellow very bright and almost overbearing, hopefully to convey hope or freedom, I chose the light green and beige colours to portray a spring morning (I also added more foliage), possibly after a conflict, hence the brightness of the sun. The greens I picked I thought gave a nice sense of life and playfulness and I chose to add slight blues to some areas for further depth and a sense of balance.

I added a bright yellow edge to everything, and a similar low opacity layer over the middle of the drawing to merge the sun’s rays with the scenery, giving the early morning sunrise look. This also helps sets the different layers in the scene more effectively, as they each have a similar overlaying colour.

The Linework

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