Year: 2022

IXD 301 – Elements Project – Wireframing

Wireframing Below was some inital sketches showing the resemblance to Tinder. I wanted to keep the layout as similar as possible as it would be more recognisable and easier to understand by a lot of people. Each screen doesn’t show a lot of detail but the general idea I was going for each screen was…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Elements Project – Wireframing

IXD 301 – Elements Project – Idea Generation

Mindmapping As I had previously said in another blogpost, I was stuck between two ideas. Before progressing I would need to actually pick one to work on. The Kids Approach A Minecraft based elements app for kids, this would take the blocks from the game and break down what they are made of. An example…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Elements Project – Idea Generation

IXD 301 – Elements Project – User Persona Research

What are User Personas? User personas are a user-centered design with a fictional character created to represent a user type that might use a site, brand, or product in a similar way. Personas can be created by talking to users and segmenting by various demographic and psychographic data to improve your product. While they can…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Elements Project – User Persona Research

IXD 301 – Elements Project – Content Strategy

“Content strategy focuses on the planning, creation, delivery and governance of content” In this lecture session with Kyle, we learnt to ask ourselves three important questions when creating content What are you trying to improve? Who are you trying to improve it for? How do you ensure you are successful at improving the right thing…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Elements Project – Content Strategy

IXD 301 – Elements Project – Competitors

Target Audience Who is my target audience? This is the first step I need to look at before I even begin designing the app. Kyle presented us with two choices, we could make an app designed for kids or undergraduate students. Both paths had their own respective challenges and possible ideas. Initially I thought of…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Elements Project – Competitors

IXD 301 – Restarting the Website

Moving Over This image was taken after the new website was constructed. I got the CMS plan moved over to the new site, this new blank slate along with youtube tutorials straight from Webflow’s team meant I was able to more confidently start over and get stuck in. Homepage From there it was all downhill…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Restarting the Website

IXD 301 – Getting Started (Webflow)

The Feedback Session From the feedback session we had prior, it was time to take the feedback and ideas given by Kyle and put them into the functioning website. This would all be achieved in Webflow, a web based website builder which none of us had any experience using.   Starting Webflow Using Webflow was…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Getting Started (Webflow)

IXD 301 -Week 3 – Website Feedback

Feedback We had a feedback session on miro with our digital mock ups of our websites. It was a great opportunity to show off the progress of the website and gain valuable feedback from Kyle and my fellow classmates. The feedback session was generally great, with only minor changes to be made. In regards to…Continue Reading IXD 301 -Week 3 – Website Feedback

IXD 301 – Portfolio Typeface

Which Typeface Do I Choose? There are a lot of modern and nice typefaces out there that would furfill my need. More importantly a typeface that will reflect well on the colour scheme I have choosen. Some typefaces though are too situational and only work under certain conditions, some are just outright terrible and won’t…Continue Reading IXD 301 – Portfolio Typeface