IXD 101 Mantra Design Page

I have never really been a fan of motivational manifestos or mantras as I feel they give false hope when sometimes you just have to do something that you hate. However, when this happens I really enjoy going running or cycling. This just gives me time to think and be by myself so I decided this would be the main part of my design. I thought of a few mantras and found it surprisingly difficult to come up with one as they were either too cheesy or didn’t sound right. I ended up asking my friends and coach for ideas and came up with a few: “pain isn’t a sacrifice, it’s an investment in success” “Don’t tell people your plans, show them your results” “Think it, Want it, Do it” “Work never ends, so keep ongoing” “The path might not always be smooth, but it’s the bumps that make it fun” “You might fall, crash or slip but you’ll get there eventually” I ended going for “The path might not always be smooth, but it’s the bumps that make it fun” as I felt it applied to me more along with my enjoyment of escaping from stress with cycling I […]