Model & room Progress

This week, I continued with what I was doing the week prior – making progress on my models and my room. In addition, I have also been working on my action animation alongside this. Furthermore, I have included imagery of these models below, the making of their mesh and the final textures. Overall, I am quite happy with all of these outcomes, and so far I haven’t had much bother with them. Some of the models took a long time to complete due to the amount of detail I put into them, and this was mostly applicable to the window and spiral staircase. The mesh of the window required detail in the wood to emphasise its age and structure. For the staircase, I wanted to make it appear dirty and rotten with moss, therefore it took a while to get the textures to the quality that it was believable.






Spiral Staircase








Storage Cupboard




Room progress

As I have been busy with modelling and continuing with my animation this week, I haven’t had much of a chance to do a lot of work on my room itself. Despite this, I have started to bring in some models to fill up some space in the room and an image of this is shown below. I have included some of my models, being the carpet, curtains, planet models and walls/flooring. So far, this is looking really well, and I should be able to work on this more in the upcoming week. I will now have a bit more allocated time as I have finished up the rest of my models. All I need to do now is wait for some of my team members to complete theirs.



Animation Progress

Since last week, I have been grinding a lot of time and work into this animation. In comparison to what I had last week, I now have somewhat decent animation, all that I have left to do now is the addition of some tweaks, frames, colouring and some simple pan editing. So far, I am really impressed with how this is turning out, and I am feeling really confident that the final result will be how I initially imagined it to be. Moreover, in order to create the frames that are newly added, I took a photo sequence of me doing these actions. Previously, I had a lot of trouble conveying weight and motion on the jump, as well as the punch action on the lion. Revising these with the help of references really helped the animation a ton, and I would go as far as saying it saved it. Even though I already had suitable references, this lesson has taught me that there can never be enough references. I will keep this in mind for future projects, to not only proof my work, but also practice the action myself – it really aids in the grasping of the weight and anticipation of action.










Self-recorded image sequences

Here are the recordings that I took for reference for my action animation. When doing these actions, I got a good sense of how the body would behave in weight and pose, which was really beneficial knowledge for my animation process. Moreover, these videos were originally done using the continuous shooting mode feature on my camera. However, as I had converted them into a video format, they have lost a lot of quality in comparison to when I used the individual photographs, which I ensured that they were of better quality to benefit my drawings as much as possible.







How to model a spiral staircase in maya 2020 for beginner tutorial – YouTube

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