This week, we began learning how to use blender as a way to sculpt models. We were given three exercises in order to get acquainted with the program and these props were an apple, pepper and a pear. At first, I struggled to navigate and use Blender’s shortcuts as I have become so used to Maya’s interface. After a while, I did get the hang of this but still struggled a little with using new brushes and learning how to use dynatopo. Moreover, these tasks were relatively fun to do once I got the hang of them, and definitely think they were the perfect models to create as a beginner to Blender. Below are my outcomes from these exercises and some images of my progress.



Exercise 01- Apple

Below is the first exercise I had to do, and this was the apple model. This one was the most simple out of the three and this is a good thing as it made it less daunting and complicated to sculpt. Overall, I didn’t find this task particularly difficult, though getting used to a new set of tools was a bit more challenging. Ultimately, I am very happy with the outcome of this model as it has a good amount of detail and a good form, and this is great as my first sculpt on a new program.



Reference used:




Exercise 02- Bell Pepper

With the second exercise, it was a bit more difficult to make the form believable. It was especially hard to get the pepper to replicate the source image as this was only showed the one perspective. For the rest half of the pepper, I did my best to work from memory, and this sufficed extremely well. Moreover, I really like how this one came out as it turned out better than what I initially expected. Although I initially struggled, the challenge made the outcome more worth it in the end and as a result, it feels more rewarding.



Reference used:



Exercise 03- Pear

This one was the last model that I sculpted. As it was a pear, it was a lot more simple to sculpt than the pepper, but more difficult than the apple. Although I left this one till last, it probably would’ve been more effective to the learning process to do this one in place of the bell pepper. Furthermore, I really liked sculpting this one as it required me to make individual sculpts for the stem and leaf, which in turn, made the model look more realistic in a sense. Ultimately, out of all of these tasks, this one I enjoyed the most. This is due to how detailed I went with the model, making indents and adding texture to the stem. I found this to be really fun to do and it has definitely added to my experience with sculpting in Blender.



Sculpting progress

Blocking out initial shape

Smoothing & adding dynatopo

Adding small details and blemishes

Making the stem

Attaching the stem and further detail


Final sculpt outcome



Reference used:


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