Animation Portfolio



Body Mechanics Animation




Work in Progress Animation videos

Work in Progress- behind the scenes from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.


wip 015.webm from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.

wip 29.webm from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.

wip 52.webm from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.

wip 54.mp4 from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.


Final Outcome

Final Animation from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.


Run/Walk Cycles



Walk Animatic from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.

Run Animatic from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.


Videos of me acting out the actions



Final Outcomes


AZRI FINAL WALK2 from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.

AZRI RUN FINAL 4 from Lauren McConachie on Vimeo.


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