3D Environment outcome & final evaluation


During these past two weeks, I have mainly been focusing on my final render for my 3D Environment assignment. With these past two weeks, I have been able to take the time and carefully set the cameras in my scene, record, render and further edit this in Premiere Pro. Moreover, with the audio of the video, I was luckily able to come across an independent artist on Youtube. The song and artist are as follows: HolFix – Broken Mind. This track really fitted well in my scene, and I ensured that each transition and important movement matched up to the song. Ultimately, I am really happy with this outcome and will talk more about my thoughts, progress and outcome in my upcoming final evaluation.




The Final Render…


Final Evaluation

Looking back, I have learned a lot from my time at University this semester both personally and academically. In comparison to last year, I have noticed a huge change in my ability to undertake the leadership-type role, as my ability to motivate and lead my team mates has improved drastically. Not only that, but I have also noticed that this has also made me feel confident in the long run. Keeping this up, and further developing these types of communication skills gives me hope that by the end of my course, I will have the skills to communicate effortlessly with new people/bigger audiences, and this is quite an exciting thought.

During this semester, I have also realised that I have learned from a lot of mistakes that I made in the first year. This is reflected in how I can now efficiently use programs such as Maya, Blender and Substance painter to create sufficient models/textures for a scene. Without a doubt, this is a level higher than previous projects, and from this improvement, I feel as though I am slowly developing my own 3D style in modelling. Although my outcome for my career is 2D based, this is still a brilliant set of experiences to have, as some studios will require a mixture of both mediums in animation. Furthermore, this is something I am looking forward to further work on in the next semester.

With this module particularly, I feel that I had an equal share of struggles and successes. As we were required to learn a new program, Unreal Engine, this was very new to me. I only started learning 3D software in my first year, so even now, at times I struggle with it- though, this has gotten a bit easier since. The main issues I had with Unreal were mostly down to lighting and the textures of the telescope model. These were quite easy to fix with a bit of experience and research, along with advice from my tutors.

With my final scene itself, If I were able to redo this environment, I would aim to be a bit more creative with the shape and size of the room. I feel as though I initially panicked and thought that I had far less time to finish these projects at once, therefore forcing myself to be simpler with my idea. This in turn restricted the outcome of this project. Despite this, however, I do feel that I made up for this with my models, effective camera shooting and the placement of the meshes in the scene.

In summary, even though there were issues that took a period of time to fix, this experience was super rewarding and to say I am proud of my achievement and progress is an understatement. My goal for next semester is to keep this progress up but to also set up a better schedule for working- as this is something I had been finding difficult to do.

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