During these past few weeks, I have been mostly focusing on my other assignments, which means that I haven’t really had much time to work on anything else. However, this isn’t anything for me to be worried about since I have all of my work done for this module and feel quite confident about my progress. Below, I have included my CV, Cover letter and Showreel all together for evaluation. During the making of these documents, particularly my CV I went through a long process of trial and error with the colour scheme and layout overall (this can be shown in previous weeks). In order to get a better perspective I asked some of my peers for their opinions and was told that the initial colour scheme didn’t work the best with the logo and font. There also were other issues such as the logo initially being too overcrowded – for example, it originally had just the snail and grass around it, but this clashed with the green tones the snail had, as well as being too overbearing to look at. Looking back, I am glad that I asked my peers for feedback as I now feel that my CV is up to standards. Having another set of eyes is always a great addition too of course! It definitely paid off.


The Showreel didn’t have as many issues, and this is probably due to how I have been mentally brainstorming the layout of it for a long time now. The only thing that I found difficult was the music choice and the timing of the images/videos. This took a while to make effective, but it was worth it in the end up. When I had finished, I showed it to some of my peers and they commented how it was quite “impressive”, “came together well” and “enjoyed the experience”. As an artist, this was very rewarding to hear- I put a lot of work into what I do and having people appreciate it is what inspires me the most. Getting feedback for my showreel also cleared any doubt about posting it, as it is an artist is their own worst critic.


CV/Cover Letter/Showreel 




Altogether, I feel as though my CV profile, Cover letter and Showreel looks very presentable when they are put side-to-side. Compared to now, when I didn’t have all of this prepared I definitely was far less confident at presenting myself as an artist. Now that I have all that I need for applying for a job, it makes me feel a lot more excited and I actually look forward to job searching for my placement year. Ultimately, I am very happy with this outcome, it not only gave me a good learning experience, but I am now more prepared for the real world and life outside of University. The only thing I need to do now is to keep up this confidence and practice my skills for upcoming interviews.







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