As this was the start of the second semester, in our first lesson, we began to discuss the module criteria. This included what we were doing during this term, how it would be done, the marking scheme, and credit percentages. Furthermore, this made me understand better what areas I will need to practice in. Although I prefer 2D animation, I do think that experimenting in this medium could be something that I may enjoy, especially since I have always been intrigued by 3D feature films, particularly from DreamWorks and Pixar. As I am new to 3D animation and software such as Maya and Substance Painter, I will be required to work extra in order to be more advanced. This is my main goal for this semester.



The Rubic marking scheme

Here is an image of our rubic marking scheme for this module. As shown, in order to get a decent grade, I will need to get satisfactory or above for most of these categories.



My target gradesAbove is another image of this scheme, however, I have circled which percentages I aim to achieve for this module.



Early preparation: Viewing the tool directory for Maya


Here, I have taken a look over what tools are in Maya and their purpose for making models. Some that have intrigued me so far are the Crease and Multi-cut tools as these both sound like they would be really helpful with sculpting and manipulating objects. As I begin to do work on Maya, I will resort to looking at this directory page, as it would be a good habit for me to do so. After a while of doing this, I should be able to improve my use of tools and techniques in this software.



The link to the tool list:


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