This week, we were required to do a presentation finalizing our theme, outcome, and processes as a group. Below, I have posted the part that I contributed to. In this slide, I talked about how our group decided that it would be best to head towards more simple character designs to make it easier for us to animate. This is in regard to using flat colours, simple lining, and reduced shading. Moreover, my performance itself, I thought, was reasonably well-spoken. I was loud, clear, and kept my voice rather consistent throughout. Before doing this presentation, I usually would find it difficult to explain things, so I feel like this has given me the opportunity to improve my presenting skills. In addition to this, I also provided some help with the writing of both these slides I have presented, along with the ‘Team Discussion and Communication’ post.

The rest of my group did really well with making sure that their parts were finished on time with the best of standards. The presentation was consistent, well-spoken all around and everyone had their own part to contribute to (E.G. slide design, writing, voice-over, and video editing). Overall, I think we all did pretty good considering how short of time we have!



Link to full video:


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