This week, we were challenged with colour theory. This was done by tasks of 3 digital paintings, two of which had to represent an emotion based on our choice of palette and the other using a specific colour technique (e.g. Analogous, Triadic, complementary). For my thumbnail drawing, I had an attempt at using a monochromatic colour scheme. Though, I am not entirely sure I feel about the final result. This is because it looks somewhat bland? Maybe next time, I could try a more zoomed-out perspective with a brighter hue in order to make it more eye-catching… Regardless, I learnt a lot from these exercises as it has made me think more in-depth about how a palette can set a scene and emphasise the story further.

The first two paintings here were the ones that had to represent a mood and these are, chosen in order, Nostalgia and despair. This was achieved through the use of colour and tone, for example, I used more bright, faded hue for the first one in the attempt of making it portray more of a reminiscent emotion. I felt by doing these emotions, it would provide me with a challenge as they are slightly complex in comparison to moods such as being sad or happy. Although these emotions were difficult to portray, I do feel that I have gained a better sense of story-building through colour. For future references, I will be sticking to a more regimen with planning out my palettes in prior. This might help me to achieve a better quality of painting.


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