Day: March 16, 2022

IXD303: Week 7 Reflect

Feedback This week was a class critique session on our healthcare apps so far. For the critique, I presented my brand, wireframes, user personas, brand guidelines, and my first 3 screens. The 3 screens I showed were my home screen, activity tracker, and location tracker. This is the feedback I received: Add a horizontal rule…Continue Reading IXD303: Week 7 Reflect

IXD303: Designing the First 3 Screens

Colour This is my chosen colour pallet for this app. The black and white represent the colour of giant pandas of course. These will be used for the logo, wordmark, backgrounds, and text. The red represents a warning and, in this case, will be used on the “alerts” buttons. The colour will grab users’ attention…Continue Reading IXD303: Designing the First 3 Screens