IXD304: Week 7 Reflect


This week, we did a workshop on storyboarding. We had to look at our prototype and create a storyboard showing the different steps users take when going through the site. When doing this, we had to ask ourselves the following 4 questions:

  1. Does it make sense?
  2. What could be improved?
  3. What isn’t needed?
  4. What’s missing?

Before getting started I did some further research into what storyboarding is to ensure I did it right. I found that a storyboard gives you an overall view of how your website will look, feel, and behave. This means, including all the micro and macro interactions a user will come across and describing what will happen. I learned that they don’t have to be overly detailed and should just be enough to show others how it should work. Overall, it should show how the user moves through the website.

My storyboard

I found it useful to use colour to better describe how users move through the website. The first 2 boxes show how the tabs change when the user changes from flight 7 to flight 8. I drew arrows showing what screen they were moving to and wrote text alongside it. For example, “scroll down”.

I think one of the most useful things from this task was asking myself “what is missing?”. In my original prototype, there is a button that fills in the rocket with colour, however, it is quite out of place. Therefore, within the storyboard, I was able to add a “control panel” which makes the button stand out more and gives it a purpose.

I found that something that could be improved from my original prototype was more micro-interactions. One that I already have is that tape appears on the post-it notes when you hover over them. Another thing I want to add is that the text appears or moves in when users scroll down. I think this will make it more immersive and will engage users.


Overall, I found this task useful. It allowed me to see my website from a bird’s eye view. It showed me how many steps there were to get from one area of the website to another and how important it is to make every interaction easy and enjoyable. It also opened my eyes to more things I could improve on my website.

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