Tag: #102

1xd102- Lecture content reflection

In this post I’ll be looking back at the IXD102 modules from the last 12 weeks. Week 1- Introduction to Communication Design This weeks lecture gave me a great overview of the module by briefly going backwards through time from look at what interaction design may look like in the future to internet history all…Continue Reading 1xd102- Lecture content reflection

IXD102- Group Presentation on Design Systems for the Olympic Games

For our second project of this module we were put in groups and asked to research, prepare and present a slideshow on a topic related to design history. I was pair with with Emma, Saskia and Sarah. As a group we chose to do Design systems for the Olympic games as it seemed the most…Continue Reading IXD102- Group Presentation on Design Systems for the Olympic Games

IXD102 Type Specimen For Screen – Times New Roman

We were given 6 different fonts to choose from for this project and I decided to design a Type Specimen Screen for Times New Roman, arguably one of the most basic and apathetic fonts there is. I thought it would be an interesting challenge to see what design concepts I could come up with for…Continue Reading IXD102 Type Specimen For Screen – Times New Roman

Wilson Miner – When We Build

I found this presentation incredibly eye opening and inspiring. It also made me exited for the future, working as an interaction designer. The running theme through out was how we are a product of our environment but we are also its designers. Each new thing we make changes our environment and the way we live….Continue Reading Wilson Miner – When We Build