Month: March 2022

IXD304 Healthcare Project: User Personas

I’ve spent a while now researching college students, looking at the things they struggle with like eating right, sleeping right, getting exercise and stress. My next step was to build a couple user personas of the type of user or in this case, college student who would use my app and what they’re frustrations and…Continue Reading IXD304 Healthcare Project: User Personas

IXD303 Healthcare Project: Prep for Week 7

For week 7 we were asked to prepare a slide show containing the following… Brand Name, Logo User Persona/s Brand Guidelines Initial Wireframes Three Screens demonstrating final design.   Logo and Typography You can see how I came up with my college student’s health and wellbeing app name and how I designed the logo and…Continue Reading IXD303 Healthcare Project: Prep for Week 7

IXD304 : Week 7 Lecture Reflection

First things first, here are the notes I wrote out on what was covered in this weeks lecture… I was actually sick the week of this lecture and the week after so I’ve only watched the recording now but this lecture was all about ebooks. I hadn’t a clue what the process of creating an…Continue Reading IXD304 : Week 7 Lecture Reflection

IXD303 : Week 6 Lecture Reflections

First things first, here are some notes I did out of what was covered in this week’s lecture… This week’s lecture was all about the design sprint. The day was mostly spent by us doing a big designing task essentially of a mini sort of design sprint in groups. We looked at each stage of…Continue Reading IXD303 : Week 6 Lecture Reflections

IXD304 Apollo Project : Prototype Homepage

My idea for the homepage of my prototype is for it to be almost like the cover of the comic book issue that is the rest of the site. This page, much like an actual comic cover will set the tone for the readers experience going through the rest of the pages so it’s important…Continue Reading IXD304 Apollo Project : Prototype Homepage

IXD303 Healthcare Project : Name, Logo and Typography

Name I put a lot of weight on choosing the right name because even though I had a loose idea of the vibe I wanted my app to have aswell as what the name should encapsulate, whatever I chose the name to be would drive the overall style and aesthetic choices I’d be making for…Continue Reading IXD303 Healthcare Project : Name, Logo and Typography