IXD101 Week07- Intro to html excerises

In week 7’s Introduction to html lecture we were asked to apply the html learned so far to a piece of text on Baskerville and one on the History of Type. The only thing I found tricky was getting the readme link for the Baskerville page to work but once I realised that I had committed it to main instead of GitHub and made and started again with a new repo and then realised I had spelt Baskerville wrong in the link… It was fine.

I had initially set up a different repo for The History of type but deleted that and moved the file over to the other repo once I found out that was wrong. Github can be a real pain but I definitely have a better grip on it now after all that experience I gained from making those silly mistakes. The html itself went okay but I was wasn’t sure what wen’t in the footer for history of type so I just put basically the same as for Baskerville.

Here is a like to my repository: https://github.com/LauraFoy/john_baskerville


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