Week 2 – (Animation Studio) – Perspective & Composition

Homework Task For this task, we had to create 6 Tonal Thumbnails that fit within the world we had created within our group. Throughout the 6 pieces, I wanted to show a dystopian, futuristic world. To achieve this I wanted to create the feeling of isolation, pain, and insignificance. I constantly wanted the main subjectContinue reading Week 2 – (Animation Studio) – Perspective & Composition

Week 1 – (Animation Studio) – Form & Shape

Group Work My group members and I drafted an array of 100 Ideas for our project, but in the end settled on 4 ideas: Sitcom Gothic/Fantasy TV Head/Sci-Fi Sitcom/Laugh track. Cowboys and Pirates   Homework ‘Form and shape’ is one of the many fundamentals of visual design. ‘Form’ refers to an object in a three-dimensionalContinue reading Week 1 – (Animation Studio) – Form & Shape