Week 7 – (Animation Studio) – Bouncing Ball

The bouncing ball animation is a renowned exercise. It teaches some of the 12 principles of animation in a condensed, simple way. These are the 12 principles of Animation: Squash and Stretch – ‘Squashing’ or ‘stretching’ an object to give it weight and volume. Timing – The amount of frames used in an animation, itContinue reading Week 7 – (Animation Studio) – Bouncing Ball

Week 5 – (Animation Studio) – Characters

For the classwork, we were asked to do a line-up of our group’s current character designs.   The second on the left was my design. I used the symmetry feature in Procreate to speed up the process and make a design in the allocated amount of time. If I had to re-do the design IContinue reading Week 5 – (Animation Studio) – Characters

Week 4 – (Animation Studio) – Colour Theory

When it comes to any form of media colour is important. From branding and identity to emotions and striking visuals, colour is something that is used to hold the audience’s attention and make a lasting impact. There are many types of colour theory used to guide all forms of artists on how colours interact andContinue reading Week 4 – (Animation Studio) – Colour Theory

Week 3 – (Animation Studio) – Tone and Value

Tone and Value is how dark and light a colour or shade is. It is an integral part of art as your value can communicate depth and your tone can convey an atmosphere and mood. Last week my thumbnail sketches also utilised Tone and Value as seen below. The drawing below is the piece IContinue reading Week 3 – (Animation Studio) – Tone and Value

3D Digital Literacy – Assessment 1 Reflection

Overall, this assignment provided me with a lot of challenges that ultimately gave me satisfaction when completed. Throughout the five weeks I found myself having to adjust and find a pace of flow that worked for me. This was a difficult thing to achieve at first, as my process had always been intense bursts ofContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Assessment 1 Reflection

3D Digital Literacy – Week 5 – Helmet

I found Substance to be a very intuitive program to navigate and use, as from my perspective, I found it to be akin to Photoshop in its essence. This could be attributed to the fact that utilises masks and layers to achieve its texture. Transferring my knowledge from the hammer to the helmet was somewhatContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 5 – Helmet

3D Digital Literacy – Week 4 – Sword

  UV wrapping in my opinion is the hardest part of modelling. I struggled endlessly to figure out how to ‘unwrap’ this model through seams despite its rather simple geometry. This portion of the assignment took me much longer than a week and I believe that the struggle to get it right shows. If IContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 4 – Sword

3D Digital Literacy – Week 2 – Tie Fighter

  This week’s model for me, was very easy to do. Following the tutorial provided, I learned a lot of new features I hadn’t explored previously in Blender, such as the Mirror modifier and Bezier curve. If I had more time to spend on this assignment I would definitely experiment more with the model andContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 2 – Tie Fighter

3D Digital Literacy – Week 1 – Snowman

  The first week’s model was a very fun opening lesson to the course. It held just the right amount of difficulty in terms of what was handed to us and what we had to explore in order to find a final product that was likable. I found the texturing process rather easy, coupled withContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 1 – Snowman