3D Digital Literacy – 200 Word Reflection

Overall, I am very proud of this project despite the troubles I faced along the way. In these past few weeks, I have doubled my knowledge of Blender. Towards the start, I decided to change my design from a simple creature to a humanoid demon. There was a point throughout the process where I hadContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – 200 Word Reflection

3D Digital Literacy – Week 11 – Posing The Character And Exporting To Sketchfab

UV wrapping took a lot of my time, as it is the thing I struggled with the most in the previous assignments. But after finding a tutorial online, and adjusting certain seams to fit my mesh I came to a very desirable result. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8vZraSY3ZE&ab_channel=CGCookie After baking the Normal map and the Ambient Occlusion, I thenContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 11 – Posing The Character And Exporting To Sketchfab

3D Digital Literacy – Week 10 – Adding Detail And Baking With Normal Maps

I had started to add the hair to my model and ran into a corruption issue, that set back my work by 2 days. Despite this, I pressed on and managed to redo the hair. The hair itself was very demoralising, as I went in blind and tried to get what I achieved through myContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 10 – Adding Detail And Baking With Normal Maps

3D Digital Literacy – Week 9 – Constructing a Humanoid with Good Topology

Following the tutorials given on Blackboard, I started working on a new base mesh for my character. I struggled at first, having to go between the video and blender constantly, but eventually got the hang of it. I really liked this part of the construction, as it’s very quick to show the progress you areContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 9 – Constructing a Humanoid with Good Topology

3D Digital Literacy – Week 8 – Blocking Out A Character

I started blocking out the character for my initial design, and this is what I ended up with: I decided however, that I was feeling confident after feeling comfortable with sculpting, and pushed myself to go for a more complicated design. I spent some time drafting a new character, and landed on this: I took moreContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 8 – Blocking Out A Character

3D Digital Literacy – Week 7 – Sculpting

In this lesson, we were introduced to the sculpting feature in Blender. I followed the demo and started out by blocking out a character with basic mesh, consisting of cubes and spheres. From there we were shown the ‘remesh’ option, which essentially retopologizes it, and creates a uniform block to work with. This part ofContinue reading 3D Digital Literacy – Week 7 – Sculpting

(Animation Studio) – 500 Word Reflection

Creative teamwork is built on the idea that you need to be confident, yet open-minded around your peers. You need to have the initiative to speak your mind and opinions on the project yet be able to take criticism from others to expand your knowledge and create the best version of your work. This partContinue reading (Animation Studio) – 500 Word Reflection

Week 9 – (Animation Studio) – Animatic

For this week we worked on our animatics. I spent a long time tweaking timing and staging to get what I wanted. I had made some changes from my original storyboard, taking more time to focus on the aftermath of the chaos. I added in the Cyclops, Devil, Mummy, and Shroom whilst omitting the close-upContinue reading Week 9 – (Animation Studio) – Animatic

Week 8 – (Animation Studio) – Storyboarding

For this week we had to make a storyboard based on the flour-sack exercise. Like the bouncing ball, it is also a well-versed exercise as it teaches squash and stretch, anticipation, and solid drawing to name a few. This was the storyboard I drew for the flour sack. I wanted to show the weight andContinue reading Week 8 – (Animation Studio) – Storyboarding