(Animation Studio) – 500 Word Reflection

Creative teamwork is built on the idea that you need to be confident, yet open-minded around your peers. You need to have the initiative to speak your mind and opinions on the project yet be able to take criticism from others to expand your knowledge and create the best version of your work. This partContinue reading (Animation Studio) – 500 Word Reflection

Week 9 – (Animation Studio) – Animatic

For this week we worked on our animatics. I spent a long time tweaking timing and staging to get what I wanted. I had made some changes from my original storyboard, taking more time to focus on the aftermath of the chaos. I added in the Cyclops, Devil, Mummy, and Shroom whilst omitting the close-upContinue reading Week 9 – (Animation Studio) – Animatic

Week 8 – (Animation Studio) – Storyboarding

For this week we had to make a storyboard based on the flour-sack exercise. Like the bouncing ball, it is also a well-versed exercise as it teaches squash and stretch, anticipation, and solid drawing to name a few. This was the storyboard I drew for the flour sack. I wanted to show the weight andContinue reading Week 8 – (Animation Studio) – Storyboarding

Week 7 – (Animation Studio) – Bouncing Ball

The bouncing ball animation is a renowned exercise. It teaches some of the 12 principles of animation in a condensed, simple way. These are the 12 principles of Animation: Squash and Stretch – ‘Squashing’ or ‘stretching’ an object to give it weight and volume. Timing – The amount of frames used in an animation, itContinue reading Week 7 – (Animation Studio) – Bouncing Ball

Week 4 – (Animation Studio) – Colour Theory

When it comes to any form of media colour is important. From branding and identity to emotions and striking visuals, colour is something that is used to hold the audience’s attention and make a lasting impact. There are many types of colour theory used to guide all forms of artists on how colours interact andContinue reading Week 4 – (Animation Studio) – Colour Theory

Week 3 – (Animation Studio) – Tone and Value

Tone and Value is how dark and light a colour or shade is. It is an integral part of art as your value can communicate depth and your tone can convey an atmosphere and mood. Last week my thumbnail sketches also utilised Tone and Value as seen below. The drawing below is the piece IContinue reading Week 3 – (Animation Studio) – Tone and Value

Week 2 – (Animation Studio) – Perspective & Composition

Homework Task For this task, we had to create 6 Tonal Thumbnails that fit within the world we had created within our group. Throughout the 6 pieces, I wanted to show a dystopian, futuristic world. To achieve this I wanted to create the feeling of isolation, pain, and insignificance. I constantly wanted the main subjectContinue reading Week 2 – (Animation Studio) – Perspective & Composition

Week 1 – (Animation Studio) – Form & Shape

Group Work My group members and I drafted an array of 100 Ideas for our project, but in the end settled on 4 ideas: Sitcom Gothic/Fantasy TV Head/Sci-Fi Sitcom/Laugh track. Cowboys and Pirates   Homework ‘Form and shape’ is one of the many fundamentals of visual design. ‘Form’ refers to an object in a three-dimensionalContinue reading Week 1 – (Animation Studio) – Form & Shape