Overall, I am very proud of this project despite the troubles I faced along the way. In these past few weeks, I have doubled my knowledge of Blender. Towards the start, I decided to change my design from a simple creature to a humanoid demon. There was a point throughout the process where I had come to regret this decision as I became overwhelmed with ambition, having given myself more work. However, After finishing the model I don’t feel that way anymore as the hurdles I had to jump to make it work contributed towards my growth.
I had to make a big decision to change aspects of my design in order to make it simpler for me to model, such as skin decals and piercings. Another thing was the 50k limit. I was very under the limit, being around 30k, yet subdividing brought it up to around 70k. Eventually, I had to settle for going slightly over to preserve detail and make a more appealing model for the final result. In the end, I am very pleased with the final result and the process.