Week 7:

For the very first animation I wanted to try and use a lot of squash and stretch and try and imitate something like a water balloon hitting the ground, for that I referenced a video of a water balloon hitting a surface in slow motion. ( Slow Motion: Water Balloons Freefalling ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlUNevsIgE4

For the second animation I wanted to try and do the opposite, have the ball land on ground and bounce back as little as possible, I did some research and found out about a bouncy ball made from polynorbornene which is essentially the least bouncy, rubber ball there is, to try and get a reference for the bounce I looked at and studied a video called “The Worlds Least Bouncy Ball” by The Action Lab there they compared a normal rubber ball and the least bouncy ball. it helped a lot due to the fact that I could watch how different the two looked when both dropping and making an impact with the ground at the same time.  (The World’s Least Bouncy Ball: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIdwWAwfc_o )

Finally there is the animation with 3 different types of balls hitting the ground, one solid and bouncy, like a regular rubber ball, one hard and not so bouncy reminiscent of something like a bowling ball and finally a soft and bouncy ball, there’s nothing really special to be said, I just went out and looked at a few videos referencing different kinds of ball bouncing, seeing how high they jumped and how seeing how many jumps some of the balls did then went out to try and recreate that.

Personally I like what I made overall however there are a few things I’d change if I could go back and do it again, I’d probably try and make the bowling ball type bounce a little more after re-watching some of the reference videos I noticed that the bowling ball, did jump for for a little bit after hitting the ground, although very high.  (Rubber ball: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds7-VU4VrSo ) (Sports balls bouncing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZlYl0l2lFs ) (Bowling ball bounce reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8eejc0p7nCM )



Additional animations:

Here are just a couple of extra animations I did too for practice, the first one with the baseball batter I just wanted to experiment to see if I could convincingly draw a ball going at high-speeds becuase I noticed I was struggling a bit with making more convincing fast motions.

There second one I made a while ago but I added it here because I thought it might be relevant. For it I  just wanted to have some fun with expressions and different kinds of smears and see if I could make a object come from a far distance in the background and have it some front and centre on the stage.


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