Animation for the Creative Industries – Assignment 1 Portfolio

Below is all my animations I provided for our game project; Jump Button Press Double Jump Idle Animation Landing roll animation Run cycle Slide animation Walk Cycle Wall climb Wall run left side Wall run right side Zip line animation Go sign asset I made during one week; Rig and skeleton I made for theContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries – Assignment 1 Portfolio

Animation for the Creative Industries – Assignment 1 Reflective blog

For this semester, animation students teamed up with game design studies to create a vertical slice game. The game design students were to focus on narrative design, game mechanics and level design. Animation students would focus on the art direction, the creation of assets and the animation on the project. Before the semester started, everyoneContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries – Assignment 1 Reflective blog

Animation for the Creative Industries – Assignment 2 Reflective Blog

For this assignment, the brief was to create a short animation anywhere from 8-11 seconds in 3D or 2D. Since I had been focused on 3D heavily this semester with other projects I wanted to do this assignment in 2D. The assessment criteria involved using audio to help with the performance.  I knew I wantedContinue reading Animation for the Creative Industries – Assignment 2 Reflective Blog